Want to be Featured on This Blog?

If you want to be one of the featured Messy Beaders, copy and paste these questions into a word processing document, and add your own answers:

1. Tell me a little more about your beading space.  Why did you set it up the way you did?  Was it messy from the very beginning, or did it just evolve over time?

2. Do you periodically clear everything off and start rebuilding the mess?  How does that make you feel - do you have a sense of accomplishment or does it throw you into a panic?

3. Are the rest of your beads relatively organized?

4. Do you want to keep your space more organized but just can't quite seem to do it?  What do you think holds you back?

5. Do you love your chaotic work space?

Email the answers to these five questions along with two or three pictures of your beading space to vanbeads@yahoo.com.  Put "The Messy Beaders' Club" in the title of the email, and include any links to Etsy or ArtFire, photostreams, or your blog.  Please also tell me a little bit about yourself - your name, who you are, what you do, if beading is your full-time job or your part-time hobby, and anything else you want readers to know about you.